Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Beginning!

Welcome to The Alternative Blog!  Sit back, relax, and find out a little about this blog.

I am starting this blog with the idea of it eventually becoming an item I can use in my classroom.  I am currently working in an Alternative Classroom that deals with a revolving door of students.  I have several years of  teaching experience and enjoyed every minute of it.  When the chance to be a part of this program became available I jumped at the opportunity it just seemed right.  I have been enjoying myself ever since!  Some day when the stars all align I may go back into a normal classroom but for now I am enjoying where I am at. 

I am currently taking a class through Five-Star Academy and have been challenged (does that sound better then assigned!?) to start this blog.  I think in the right circumstances this will be a great way to communicate with parents and students.  With the position I am in now I don't think it will very beneficial to be honest...BUT...I am hoping to add this skill to my toolbox to help me stay up-to-date in the teaching world and to keep learning.

I am going to be spending the weekend going over some things I have learned while taking a quiz that was suggested:  I have learned through the helpful quiz that I need to work on Scheduling.  What do you need help with...find out...take the quiz!  The quiz was right I need to rethink how I plan my day, how I spend my time, how much better it would be if I scheduled it right.  So I have a couple of goals for myself. 
    Goal 1: Plan a dinner menu for the whole week - stick with it
    Goal 2: Prepare some of the food over the weekend or at least have my meat unthawing in the fridge, to help cut down on dinner prep time
    Goal 3: Instead of rushing myself to keep track of students when they are all arriving, emailing teachers, contacting schools, etc.  First thing I am going to do is space these items out and complete the urgent ones first (missing students), emailing teachers (students need their school work), and after lunch fill in my excel sheet on who is present that day(important but not urgent). 

Cross your fingers for me and I will keep you up-to-date on what I have learned... to be continued next week